Our flight search API helps you to search / shop for the latest SIA offers that are made available on our direct channels (website, mobile, NDC).
Key Features
Provide flight offers to customers
Gain access to the latest deals from SIA
Lowest fare guarantee
Generate redirect links for affiliate marketing
Use Cases
Partner is recommended to build a flight search portal aggregating flight search offers from OTAs. Singapore Airlines' offers can be returned through the use of the flight search API, and subsequent click through of the SIA offer (provided in the API response) will direct customer to complete the booking on SIA's website.
UOB Travel Insider
UOB Travel Insider is the first one-stop travel portal in Southeast Asia designed by a bank that inspires, helps you plan, and lets you book in one place.
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Experiment with our APIs for free.
Explore our APIs and test all functionalities in a simulated environment for free. The sandbox environment is intended to assist you throughout the integration phase.
- Test data
- Unlimited calls
- No billing
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Explore all capabilities in our production environment.
Test all our functionalities in a real environment and with live production data. There are no costs, but the number of APIs calls you can make will be limited. This variant is intended for testing, not for actual business.
- Live production data
- Limited calls
- No billing
Contact Us
Speak to us when you are ready to use our API on a larger scale.
Access real time data and benefit from comprehensive support to take your business to the next level.
- Live production data
- Contractual terms apply
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