Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Enhancements to E-Ticket Endorsement Box | OrderCreate / OrderChange |
Live | SQ NDC now supports storing and input of additional data in the E-ticket endorsement box to improve mid/back-office processes. New information can be added (a) automatically or (b) manually as free text to the endorsement box. |
General Notice
Singapore Airlines will be launching ARC settlement in the US market on 10 February 2022. ARC Cash and Credit Card forms of payment will be supported on SQ NDC. 3D-Secure is also supported for ARC Credit Card transactions.
Onboarding of ARC-accredited agents to their respective GDS / Tech Partners commences on the week of 7 February 2022. Thereafter, successfully onboarded agents may start accessing SQ NDC content and transact sales in the live environment.
Click here to download Jan 22 release notes and General Notice
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Enhanced Servicing Capability – Modify Unpaid Order | OrderReshop/ OrderChange |
Test on 15Dec | SQ NDC now has the capability for Partners/Sellers to re-shop an unpaid Order by modifying one or some bounds while retaining the unchanged flights, without processing payment. Partners who wish to support such a servicing flow should integrate the new functionality. |
Enhanced Servicing Capability – Modify Paid Order without Payment Processing/Document Exchange | OrderReshop/ OrderChange |
Available in Test/ Live on 15Dec |
SQ NDC now has the capability for Partners/Sellers to modify ticketed Orders whilst deferring payment processing and document exchange. This capability allows Partners/Sellers to perform in two separate steps: (i) modification of the booked flight segments and (ii) processing of payment and update/exchange of tickets. Partners who wish to support such a servicing flow should integrate the new functionality. |
Additional Data for One-Way Display in OfferPrice Upsell | OfferPrice | Available in Test/ Live on 15Dec |
Singapore Airlines now returns brief Vaccinated Travel Lane information within <Disclaimer> in <PriceClassList>. Partners should review their implementation if they wish to display such information. |
Additional Data in OrderCancelRS | OrderCancel | Available in Test/ Live on 3Dec |
SQ NDC now support One-Way Display (OWD) mode for OfferPrice Upsell queries. Additional data will be provided in the response to provide partners with the price per bound in this flow. Partners utilizing OWD and this flavour of OfferPrice may choose to review their implementations to take advantage of the additional data |
AirlineProfile and AirShopping Optimization | AirShopping/ AirlineProfile |
Live | SQ NDC now offers an additional verb AirlineProfile which allows Sellers/Partners to request for a list of valid Origin and Destination pairs relevant to the NDC airline. Partners should integrate AirlineProfile in order to improve their traffic quality. |
Click here to download Nov21 release notes
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Fare Prioritization Logic in Shopping | AirShopping/ OrderReshop |
Live on 15Oct | Partners to take note of the new expected output from the shopping process and inform their users if necessary. The activation is planned for 15Oct. For clarifications, please reach out to your Implementation Leads. |
One-Way Display in OrderReshop | OrderReshop | Live on 15Oct | Partners who are utilizing OWD in AirShopping will have OWD activated in OrderReshop in Production from 15Oct. |
Vaccinated Travel Lane Information in NDC API Response | OfferPrice/ OrderReshop (Price) |
Live | Singapore Airlines now returns brief Vaccinated Travel Lane information within <Disclaimer> in <PriceClassList>. Partners should review their implementation if they wish to display such information. |
Upcoming Developements
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Advanced Order Servicing | OrderReshop / OrderChange/ |
Phases beginning in End Q3 2021 | SQ NDC has new servicing capabilities which are planned to be released starting in Sep 2021 which will allow Sellers the capability to perform: Re-booking on held itineraries Re-book itineraries and re-issue/re-validate tickets in a deferred flow |
Seller Remuneration Handling | OfferPrice /OrderReshop | Phases beginning End Q4 2021 | SQ NDC has plans to provide at Offer time additional information to the Seller about the renumeration they can expect to receive if an Offer is converted to a paid Order. This capability should be released by the end of 2021. |
Click here to download Oct21 release notes
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
AirlineProfile | AirlineProfile | Test | New NDC API released to provide information about valid Origins and Destinations which an airline can accept in shopping requests |
One-Way Display in OrderReshop | OrderReshop | Test | Partners who are utilizing OWD in AirShopping will have OWD activated in OrderReshop in Test Systems beginning Sep 2021 |
Mandatory usage of two-step OrderReshop flow | OrderReshop | Test | An activation has been done which mandates the usage of the two-step OrderReshop flow in Test Systems. Partners who are not utilizing the two-step flow should update their implementations prior to the activation in Production. |
SQ has announced an extension of its Complimentary Rebooking Policy, revised its policy regarding Air Ancillaries and launched a Vaccinated Travel Lane.
Click here to download Aug21 release notes and general notices
Click here to download Aug21 release notes and general notices
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Currency Override during Post-Booking | OrderChange | Test / Live | Partners who wish to provide the flexibility to override the currency for Seller/Market specificities to integrate this feature |
Expanded Catalogue of Free Service | OrderCreate | Test | Partners who wish to provide their Sellers/Customers with the ability to book the new free services |
Click here to download Jul21 release notes
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Support for Mixed Cabin Class Search | AirShopping | Test / Live | Partners who wish to provide their sellers / customers with the ability to flexibly select different cabin classes for different bounds should integrate this feature. |
Updated Processing of Contact Information | OrderCreate | Test | Update OrderCreateRQ accordingly for provision of Travel Agency contact info as well as Pax contact info Target in PRD: Jun21 (Activation by Partner) |
Minimum Time before departure flag | AirShopping | Test | Partners to inform implementation lead if they would like this flag returned. This is highly encouraged. Target in PRD: Jun21 |
Support for EasyPay | OrderCreate/OrderChange | Test | SQ NDC will soon support the usage of IATA EasyPay cards as a Form of Payment under BSP settlement. EasyPay has been implemented as a sub-category of credit cards. |
Automated Processing of Advice Status Codes | OrderRetrieve | Test | Advice status codes can arise in NDC bookings because of external modification of the PNR. SQ NDC has been enhanced to automatically process these status codes when partners retrieve the Order. Target in PRD: Jul21 |
Click here to download May21 release notes
SQ has revamped its Economy Class fare types to cater to traveller groups with different needs effective from 22 Apr 2021. Q and N fares will be moved to the new Economy Value fare type, while the V and K fares will remain under the current Economy Lite fare type. The change fees for Economy Standard fares will also be revised. The information returned in the API reflects these changes. There is no change to the structure/format in which fare rules are returned.
Click here to download our trade comms regarding the new fare family change.
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Alignment for input of FFP, CLID and PromoCode | AirShopping/ OfferPrice/ OrderCreate |
Test | Partners should review the changes and revise integration Target in PRD: 18 Jan 21 |
Re-price Existing Order | OrderReshop | Test / Live | Partners are encouraged to review their integration to provide users with the additional information available at repricing. |
Support for UATP | OrderCreate | Test | For info Target in PRD: mid-Mar21 |
SQ will be conducting a one-off 3DS activation for all Partners on SQ NDC come 1 April 2021. This implies that Partners who have not yet integrated 3DS with us will experience redirection errors for credit card transactions attempted on your platforms. Should any Partner wish to be excluded from this 3DS activation exercise, kindly provide in writing a request to the SQ NDC team to opt out. Nil responses will be taken as consent to 3DS activation for your NDC platforms on 1 April 2021.
Click here to download Mar21 release notes and general notices
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Re-price existing Order (held booking) | OrderReshop | Test | Will be activated by default. Target in PRD: End Dec 2020 |
End-to-End utilization of CLID for Corporate transactions | AirShopping/ OfferPrice/ OrderCreate |
Test | Adjust integration for CLID in OrderCreate New integration for CLID in AirShopping/OfferPrice Target in PRD: 18 Jan 2021 |
OrderReshop for Complex Itineraries | OrderReshop | Test | Partners supporting complex itineraries in shopping to review integration for OrderReshop |
Click here to download Dec 20 release notes and general notices
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Itinerary Mode for Complex Itinerary | AirShoppingRS | Live | No activation required. Only applicable for partners on OWD mode with complex itinerary enabled. |
Fare Calculation and Fare Endorsement | OrderViewRS | Live | Activated by default |
OrderChangeNotif for Services | OrderChangeNotifRQ | Live | Activated for partners with live implementation of OrderChangeNotif |
Payment Time Limit at OfferPrice | OfferPriceRS | Live | No activation required |
Bug Fixes | OrderViewRS | Live | No activation required |
Click here to download Nov 20 release notes and general notices
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Fare Type Indicator | AirShoppingRS OfferPriceRS OrderReshopRS |
Available in Test | No activation required |
Currency Alignment in multi-currency scenarios | OrderViewRS | Available in Test | No activation required |
Enhancements to for stop-over/connection information | AirShoppingRS OfferPriceRS OrderReshopRS OrderViewRS |
Available in Test | Controlled via configuration setting Default = 'Yes' |
Secure Flight Indicator | AirShoppingRS OfferPriceRS |
Available in Test | No activation required |
Offering Free Services | ServiceListRQ/RS | Available in Test | Activation required |
Payment Time Limit at OfferPrice | OfferPriceRS | Available in Test | No activation required |
Changes to 3DS flow | OrderCreateRQ | Available in Test | Activation required Changes to existing flow required |
Click here to download Aug 20 release notes and general notices
Feature | API Affected | Live Test | Action for Partners |
Improvements to OrderViewRS a. Residual Amounts b. References for EMD(s) c. Order Total Price |
OrderViewRS | Available in Production | No activation required |
PaxID Alignment Option | OrderViewRS | Available in Production | Controlled via configuration setting Default = 'No' |
OrderSplit | OrderChangeRQ OrderViewRS |
Available in Production | Mandatory to integrate |
Minirules Information in Offer and Order | OfferPriceRS OrderCreateRS |
Available in Production | Controlled via configuration setting Default settings apply otherwise |
Currency specification at Reshop | OrderReshopRQ/RS | Available in Test | Activation required Pre-requisite: 2 step reshop flow |
Adjustment of Payment Method for an unticketed Order | OrderReshopRQ/RS OrderChangeRQ OrderViewRS |
Available in Production | No activation required |
Click here to download Jul 20 release notes and general notices