- Previous: Destination
- Up: Destination
- Next: Flight Status
## Content
- [Postman collection](#postman-collection)
- [API Description](#api-description)
- [API Parameters](#api-parameters)
- [HTTP Headers](#http-headers)
- [Input ](#input-parameters)
- [Output ](#output-parameters)
- [Error Codes](#error-codes)
## Postman collection
Please download the postman collection, environment and request for API Key to get started.
Destinations API Collection- - Local playground with examples of request/response pairs for each endpoint. Additionally it assist the developers to understand the logical flow for the endpoints.
Destinations API Environment - Holds the credential information that allows invocation of the endpoints. You can request for the credentials for this specific API [here](/apps/myapps).
Request for API key
## API Description
| | |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| API Name | destinations/get |
| API Type | Query | | API Source | Eretail |
| Description | This API is developed to provide the SQ/MI destinations list. In each destination includes many information of SQ/MI, such as: airport, country, city, timezone, origin point, destination point, etc. |
## API Parameters
### HTTP Headers
| Headers | Value | Description |
| ------------------ | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|api_key|*|An active SQ API Key for the Destination Package|
|x-signature|*|(ApiKey + Secret + TimeStamp) HMAC-SHA256|
|x-csl-client-uuid|*|Should be unique per request. For debug purpose only.|
### Input Parameters
| Input Parameters | Data Type | Description |
| ---------------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | Empty Body | |
### Output Parameters
| | Output Parameters | | Data Type | Description |
| --------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| status || | String | “SUCCESS” / “FAILED” |
| code || | Number | 200 if status is “SUCCESS”. Refer to Section 5 for possible error codes |
| message || | String | Populated and displayed only if status is “FAILED” |
| data || | JSON Object | |
| | total | | Number | Total number of destinations |
| | destinationList | | JSON Array | |
| | | airportCode | String | Airport code, e.g. SIN |
| | | airportName | String | Airport name, e.g. Changi |
| | | cityCode | String | City Code, e.g. SIN |
| | | cityName | String | City Name, e.g. Singapore |
| | | countryCode | String | Country Code, e.g. SG |
| | | countryName | String | Country Name, e.g. Singapore |
| | | isSQGtwyFlg | Boolean | Whether Singapore Airline (SQ) fly from/to, e.g. true/false |
| | | isMIGtwyFlg | Boolean | Whether Silk Air (MI) fly from/to, e.g. true/false |
| | | timeZone | String | Time Zone, e.g. true/false |
| | | isCIBOrigin | Boolean | Whether this location is a valid origin for booking on SQ website, e.g. true/false |
| | | isCIBDestination | Boolean | Whether this location is a valid destination for booking on SQ website, e.g. true/false |
| | | isORBOrigin | Boolean | Whether this location is a valid KrisFlyer Redemption Booking (ORB) origin on SQ website, e.g. true/false |
| | | isORBDestination | Boolean | Whether this location is a valid KrisFlyer Redemption Booking (ORB) destination on SQ website, e.g. true/false |
| | | isTROrigin | Boolean | Whether Scoot (TR) flies from this location, e.g. true/false |
| | | isTRDestination | Boolean | Whether Scoot (TR) flies to this location, e.g. true/false |
| | | isRailPointStation | Boolean | Whether this is a Railway Station point, e.g. true/false |
| | | isCoachPointStation | Boolean | Whether this is a Coach Station point, e.g. true/false |
| | | excludedCountries | String Array | These countries should not be populated in the destinations list, e.g. "[GB, DE, FR, NO, DK, IT, ES, CH, NL, TR, GR]" |
### Error Codes
| ErrorCodes | Message |
| ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| CSLAAA9904 | clientID is mandatory. |
| CSLAAA9905 | The provided clientID is not supported. |
| CSLAAA9921 | Internal error occurred while trying to look for config values. Please contact the service provider for details. |
| CSLAAA9931 | Valid request must be provided. |
| CSLAAA9970 | Operation timed out. |
| CSLAAA9998 | Unknown error occurs. Please contact the service provider for details |
| DESTGE1900 | Bad response from Airport List service. |
| DESTGE1901 | Unknow host Airport List service. |
| DESTGE1902 | Airport List service is unavailable. |
| DESTGE1903 | Bad request from Airport List service. |
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- Up: Destination
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