- Previous: Flight Booking
- Up: Flight Booking
- Next: Fare Conditions
Fare Summary
## Content
- [Postman collection](#postman-collection)
- [API Description](#api-description)
- [API Parameters](#api-parameters)
- [Input Parameters](#input-parameters)
- [Output Parameters](#output-parameters)
- [Error Codes](#error-codes)
## Postman collection
Please download the postman collection, environment and request for API Key to get started.
Flight Booking API Collection - Local playground with examples of request/response pairs for each endpoint. Additionally it assist the developers to understand the logical flow for the endpoints.
Flight Booking API Environment - Holds the credential information that allows invocation of the endpoints. You can request for the credentials for this specific API [here](/apps/myapps).
Request for API key
## API Description
| | |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| API Name | faresummary/getbyid |
| API Type | Query | | API Source | Eretail |
| Description | Extracts the pricing breakdown, and fare conditions for given selection of flights.|
## API Parameters
### HTTP Headers
| Headers | Value | Description |
| ------------------ | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|apikey|*|An active SQ API Key for the FlightBooking Package|
### Input Parameters
| Input Parameters | Data Type | Optional | Description |
| ---------------------- | ----------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| clientUUID | Number | No | Unique string representing this call |
| request | JSON Object | No | |
| recommendationID | String | No | Recommendation ID |
| selectedSegmentDetails | JSON Array | No | |
| sellingClass | JSON Array | No | Specific RBD associated with this leg |
| segmentID | String | No | Segment ID |
| fareFamily | String | No | Fare Family |
| itineraryDetails | JSON Array | No | Passenger’s search query details |
| originAirportCode | String | No | 3-letter IATA code – SIN, LHR. In upper case. |
| destinationAirportCode | String | No | 3-letter IATA code – SIN, LHR. In upper case. |
| pageTicket | String | No | Session continuity parameter |
| sessionID | String | No | Session continuity parameter |
### Output Parameters
| Output Parameters | Data Type | Description |
| ---------------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| status | String | “SUCCESS” / “FAILED” |
| code | Number | 200 if status is “SUCCESS”. Refer to Section 5 for possible error codes |
| message | String | Populated and displayed only if status is “FAILED” |
| clientUUID | String | Reflects the request parameter |
| response | JSONObject | empty if status is “FAILED”; displayed otherwise |
| pageTicket | String | Session continuity parameter |
| sessionID | String | Session continuity parameter |
| flightSelectionDetails | JSONObject | Contains details needed for GB tax exemption later. Only present if GB tax is present in the booking |
| recommendationId | String | |
| flightIds | String Array | |
| fareDetails | JSONObject | |
| adultCount | Number | Integer |
| gbMinorCount | Number | Integer. Number of minor passengers who are eligible for GB tax exemption |
| gbTaxPresent | Boolean | `true` if there is an exemptable “GB” tax in the booking |
| childCount | Number | Integer |
| infantCount | Number | Integer |
| fareAmount | String | Overall fare amount for the selection. E.g. 450.00 |
| taxAmount | String | Overall tax amount for the selection. E.g. 79.40 |
| totalAmount | String | Overall total amount (fare plus tax) for the selection. E.g. 529.40 |
| creditCardSurcharge | Number | Returned when credit card surcharge is applicable for this itin |
| currency | JSONObject | |
| code | String | Currency code. E.g. SGD |
| name | String | Name/Description of currency. E.g. Singapore Dollar |
| precision | Number | Currency precision, e.g. 2 |
| fareFamilyDetails | JSONObject | |
| code | String | Fare family code. E.g. FF41SIN |
| description | String | Fare family description. E.g. Economy Saver |
| pricePerBound | JSONArray | |
| fareAmount | String | Bound specific fare amount for the selection. E.g. 225.00 |
| taxAmount | String | Bound specific tax amount for the selection. E.g. 34.00 |
| totalAmount | String | Bound specific total amount (fare plus tax) for the selection. E.g. 259.00 |
| travellerListPrice | JSONArray | |
| travellerType | String | Specific type of traveller whose details are populated in this Object. |
| fareAmount | String | Traveller type specific fare amount for the selection. E.g. 450.00 |
| taxAmount | String | Traveller type specific tax amount for the selection. E.g. 79.40 |
| totalAmount | String | Traveller type specific total amount (fare plus tax) for the selection. E.g. 529.40 |
| pricePerBound | JSON Array | |
| fareAmount | String | Traveller type specific fare amount for a specific bound. E.g. 225.00 |
| taxAmount | String | Traveller type specific tax amount for a specific bound. E.g. 34.00 |
| totalAmount | String | Traveller type specific total amount (fare plus tax) for a specific bound. E.g. 259.00 |
| taxList | JSON Array | |
| amount | String | Individual tax amount for a specific passenger type. E.g. 8.00 |
| category | String | Denotes type of charge. E.g. tax/surcharge. |
| code | String | Tax code for a specific passenger type. E.g. I5 |
| description | String | Tax description for a specific passenger type. E.g. 225.00 |
| errorDetails | JSONObject | Present if fare details could not be retrieved |
| code | String | |
| message | String | |
| fareConditions | JSON Array | One element for each bound (eg: SIN-LAX-SIN is 2 bounds) |
| cancellation | JSONObject | Conditions when customer cancels the flight |
| isAllowed | Boolean | |
| shortDesc | String | |
| longDesc | String | |
| noShow | JSONObject | Conditions when customer does not show up for flight |
| isAllowed | Boolean | |
| shortDesc | String | |
| longDesc | String | |
| earnMiles | JSONObject | Conditions on how many miles the customer can earn |
| isAllowed | Boolean | |
| shortDesc | String | |
| longDesc | String | |
| itineraryChangeFee | JSONObject | Conditions on the fee for change of itinerary |
| isAllowed | Boolean | |
| shortDesc | String | |
| longDesc | String | |
| upgrade | JSONObject | Conditions on whether the customer can upgrade using miles |
| isAllowed | Boolean | |
| shortDesc | String | |
| longDesc | String | |
| baggage | JSONObject | Conditions related to baggage allocation |
| isAllowed | Boolean | |
| shortDesc | String | |
| longDesc | String | |
| seat | JSONObject | Conditions related to complimentary seat availability |
| shortDesc | String | |
| longDesc | String | |
| travelItinSequence | JSONObject | Conditions on non-sequential usage of travel voucher |
| longDesc | String | |
| locale | String | |
| retryRequestDetails | JSONObject | Populated when a recoverable exception occurs |
| request | JSONObject | Same structure as the Request object defined earlier |
| uri | String | The operation to be called, with the leading slash |
| upgradeDetails | JSONObject | Details on the upsell option |
| fareConditions | JSONArray | Same structure as fareConditions above |
| fareSummary | JSONObject | Fare information on the upsell recommendation |
| fareTotal | JSONObject | Includes all passengers |
| totalAmount | Number | Includes taxAmount |
| amountWithoutTax | Number | Integer |
| tax | Number | Integer |
| promoDetails | JSONObject | present when a promotion code was applied for this passenger |
| orginalFareAmount | Number | Integer |
| promoType | String | |
| promoReasonCode | String | |
| fareDetailsPerAdult | JSONObject | Includes all passengers |
| totalAmount | Number | Includes taxAmount |
| amountWithoutTax | Number | Integer |
| tax | Number | Integer |
| promoDetails | JSONObject | present when a promotion code was applied for this passenger |
| orginalFareAmount | Number | Integer |
| promoType | String | |
| promoReasonCode | String | |
| fareDetailsPerChild | JSONObject | Includes all passengers |
| totalAmount | Number | Includes taxAmount |
| amountWithoutTax | Number | Integer |
| tax | Number | Integer |
| promoDetails | JSONObject | present when a promotion code was applied for this passenger |
| orginalFareAmount | Number | Integer |
| promoType | String | |
| promoReasonCode | String | |
| fareDetailsPerInfant | JSONObject | Includes all passengers |
| totalAmount | Number | Includes taxAmount |
| amountWithoutTax | Number | Integer |
| tax | Number | Integer |
| promoDetails | JSONObject | present when a promotion code was applied for this passenger |
| orginalFareAmount | Number | Integer |
| promoType | String | |
| promoReasonCode | String | |
| upgradeRequestDetails | JSONObject | Details of the request to be triggered if customer wishes to upgrade |
| request | JSONObject | Same structure as the Request object defined earlier |
| uri | String | The operation to be called, with the leading slash |
| | | |
| |
### Error Codes
| ErrorCodes | Message | Description |
| ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| BKAGCO0000 | Missing or Invalid expected field: request | |
| BKAGCO0001 | Missing or Invalid expected field: clientID | |
| BKAGCO0005 | Missing or Invalid expected field: itineraryDetails. Must be a list with at least one element | |
| BKAGCO0006 | Missing or Invalid expected field: selectedSegmentDetails | |
| BKAGCO0008 | Missing or Invalid expected field: sellingClass. Expected single char input | |
| BKAGCO0012 | Missing or Invalid expected field: originAirportCode in `itineraryDetails` | |
| BKAGCO0013 | Missing or Invalid expected field: destinationAirportCode in `itineraryDetails` | |
| BKAGCO0020 | Missing or Invalid expected field: `sessionID` | |
| BKAGCO0021 | Missing or Invalid expected field: `pageTicket` | |
| BKAGCO0081 | Missing or Invalid expected field: `segmentID` | |
| BKAGCO0082 | Missing or Invalid expected field: `recommendationID` | |
| BKAGCO0150 | The sessionID that you have provided has already expired. Please restart the booking flow. | |
| BKAGCO0200 | The operation could not be completed at the current moment please try again | |
| 9999/9998 | Unknown error occurs. Please contact CSL team for details. | For all errors of unknown origin |
| BKAGPR0000 | Exception occurred while retrieving flight availability information | A generic error message to indicate a failure while calling the flight availability call. |
| BKAGPR0001 | No flights available for the day requested! | Thrown when no inventory is available for the given search criteria |
| BKAGPR0003 | No matching recommendation found for the given segment details | |
| BKAGPR0004 | No matching segment found for the given leg details | |
| BKAGPR0010 | Exception occurred while retrieving fare details information | |
| BKAGPR0100 | Exception occurred while retrieving fare conditions information | |
| | | |
| |
- Previous: Flight Booking
- Up: Flight Booking
- Next: Fare Conditions