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Flight Availability
## Content
- [Postman collection](#postman-collection)
- [API Description](#api-description)
- [API Parameters](#api-parameters)
- [Input](#input-parameters)
- [Output](#output-parameters)
- [Error Codes](#error-codes)
## Postman collection
Please download the postman collection environment and request for API Key to get started.
Flight Availability API Collection - Local playground with examples of request/response pairs for each endpoint. Additionally it assist the developers to understand the logical flow for the endpoints.
Flight Availability API Environment- Holds the credential information that allows invocation of the endpoints. You can request for the credentials for this specific API [here](/apps/myapps).
Request for API key
## API Description
| | |
| ------------- | ---------------------- |
| API Operation | flightavailability/get |
| API Type | Query |
| Description | Retrieves that current availability of inventory based on provided search criteria |
The deepReferralLink is currently only available for single-leg flights in each segmentBound. Also, in order to use the deepReferralLink, one deepReferralLink from each segmentBound have to be combined with the shallowReferralLink (+ defaultAffiliateID).
## API Parameters
### HTTP Headers
| Headers | Value | Description |
| ------------------ | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|apikey|*|An active SQ API Key for the FlightSearch Package|
### Input Parameters
| Input Parameters | Data Type | Optional | Description |
| ---------------------- | ----------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
|clientUUID|String|No|Should be unique per request. For debug purpose only.|
|request|JSON Object|No||
|itineraryDetails|JSON Array|No||
|originAirportCode|String|No|3-letter IATA code – SIN, LHR. In upper case.|
|destinationAirportCode|String|No|3-letter IATA code – SIN, LHR. In upper case.|
|departureDate|String|No|Format: yyyy-MM-dd|
|returnDate|String|Yes|Format: yyyy-MM-dd. For round trip only|
|cabinClass|String|No|Cabin class: Y, J, F, S|
|flexibleDates|Boolean|Yes|true: calendar search; false: flight search (default)|
|daterange|Number|Yes|For flexi-date search only ("true" above). 1 for a range of 3 days; 2 for a range of 5-days, 3 for a range of 7-days, while 0 for default.|
|locale|String|Yes|Defaults to “en_UK”|
|country|String|Yes|2 char IATA country code. Defaults to “SG”|
### Output Parameters
| Output Parameters | Data Type | Description |
| --------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|status|String|“SUCCESS” / “FAILURE”|
|code|Number|200 if status is “SUCCESS”. Refer to Section 5 for possible error codes|
|message|String|Error message if status is “FAILURE”|
|response|JSON Object||
|sessionID|String|ERetail session ID|
|resultType|String|F: flight seach; C: calendar search|
|currency|JSON Object||
|code|String|Currency code, e.g. SGD|
|precision|Number|Currency precision, e.g. 2|
|tripType|String|O: One-way; R: Round trip; M: Multi-city|
|shallowReferralLink|String|Referral Link to singaporeair.com (non-specific to any selection)|
|defaultAffiliateID|String|Referral To be used with the above during testing phase (if an affiliate ID has not already been generated for the caller)|
|defaultRecommendationID|Number|For flight search only|
|recommendations|JSON Array|For flight search only|
|segmentBounds|JSON Array||
|segments|JSON Array||
|deepReferralLink|String|To be combined with shallowReferralLink to form a link to singaporeair.com which is specific to the flights selected by pax|
|legs|JSON Array||
|sellingClass|String|Selling class, e.g. W|
|cabinClass|String|Cabin class, e.g. Y|
|fareClass|String|Fare class, e.g. WLXGBO|
|eligibleOCRecommendationIDs|JSON Array|Numerical JSON array|
|fareFamily|String|Fare family for separate segment bound, e.g. FF31LON|
|fareSummary|JSON Object|Fare summary for separate segment bound. See below “fareSummary for recommendation”|
|fareFamily|String|Fare family for recommendation, e.g. FF31LON|
|fareSummary|JSON Object|Fare summary for recommendation|
|fareTotal|JSON Object||
|fareDetailsPerAdult|JSON Object|See above “fareTotal”|
|flights|JSON Array|For flight search only|
|originAirportCode|String|3-letter IATA code – SIN, LHR. In upper case.|
|departureDate|String|Format: yyyy-MM-dd|
|segments|JSON Array||
|departureDateTime|String|Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss|
|arrivalDateTime|String|Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss|
|legs|JSON Array||
|flightNumber|String|E.g. 5739|
|departureTerminal|String|E.g. 2, TN. It may be null.|
|codeShareFlight|BOOL|true for code share flight|
|operatingAirline|JSON object||
|code|String|E.g. SQ|
|name|String|E.g. Singapore Airlines|
|marketingAirline|JSON object|See “operatingAirline”|
|aircraft|JSON object||
|code|String|E.g. 77W|
|name|String|E.g. Boeing 777-300ER|
|stops|JSON Array||
|layoverDuration|Number|Layover duration in seconds|
|flightDuration|Number|Flight duration for current leg|
|layoverDuration|Number|Layover duration between current and next leg|
|tripDuration|Number|Trip duration in seconds|
|fareFamilies|JSON Array|For flight search only|
|fareFamily|String|Fare family, e.g. FF31LON|
|fareFamilyCode|String|Fare family code, e.g. FF31|
|fareFamilyName|String|Fare family name, e.g. Economy Flexi Saver|
|cabinClass|String|Cabin class, e.g. Y|
|cabinClassName|String|Cabin class name, e.g. Economy|
|airports|JSON Array|For flight search only|
|segments|JSON Array|For flexi-date search only|
|fares|JSON Array||
|departureDate|String|Format: yyyy-MM-dd|
|returnDate|String|Format: yyyy-MM-dd|
|price|BigDecimal|Total adult price|
|perAdultPrice|BigDecimal|Price per adult|
|totalPrice|BigDecimal|Total price|
## Error Codes
| Code | Details |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 9900 | The requested service is not available. |
| 9998 | (Unhandled Exception) Unknown error occurs. Please contact CSL team for details. |
| 9999 | (Unknown error) Unknown error occurs. Please contact CSL team for details. |
| FAVASF0001 | Invalid request format |
| FAVASF0002 | Invalid input |
| FAVASF0003 | The itinerary details must be provided |
| FAVASF0004 | Your input of airport code <%s> is invalid. |
| FAVASF0005 | Your input of flight date <%s> is invalid. The format must be YYYY-MM-dd (e.g. 2017-07-01). |
| FAVASF0006 | A return date must be provided for round trip. |
| FAVASF0007 | A return date must be not earlier than departure date. |
| FAVASF0008 | The provided cabin class <%s> is invalid. Only <%s> are allowed. |
| FAVASF0009 | The infant count <%d> must be no more than adult count <%d>. |
| FAVASF0010 | Maximum %d people allowed for flight booking with cabin class <%s>. |
| FAVASF0011 | Maximum %d people allowed for flight booking. |
| FAVASF0012 | corpDetails is required for Corp booking.. |
| FAVASF0013 | corpCode is required for Corp Booking. |
| FAVASF0014 | promoDeails is required for promotional booking. |
| FAVASF0015 | Invalid or missing promo type. Only <%s> are allowed. |
| FAVASF0016 | Invalid or missing selling class. |
| FAVASF0017 | promoCode is required for non-Passthru promotional booking. |
| FAVASF0018 | Invalid or missing minPax under promoDetails. |
| FAVASF0019 | The destination airport code should be different with origin airport code. |
| FAVASF0020 | The requested departure date <%s> is too soon. Please modify your dates and try again. |
| FAVASF0021 | The requested departure date <%s> is too late. Please modify your dates and try again. |
| FAVASF0022 | The input <%s> is required. |
| FAVASF0050 | eRetail generic error |
| FAVASF0051 | (eRetail) No flight available |
| FAVASF0052 | (eRetail) Dep date too soon |
| FAVASF0053 | (eRetail) Dep date too late |
| FAVASF0054 | (eRetail) Intra city flight |
| FAVASF0055 | (eRetail) Invalid OD |
| FAVASF0056 | (eRetail) Timeout |
| FAVASF0057 | (eRetail) System error. |
| FAVASF0080 | (Unable to get eRetail response) Internal server error. Please contact CSL team for help. |
| FAVASF0081 | (Invalid eRetail response) Internal server error. Please contact CSL team for help. |
| FAVASF0082 | (No recommendation) There is no available routes for your search. |
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