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Extend Session
## Content
- [API Description](#api-description)
- [API Parameters](#api-parameters)
- [Input Parameters](#input-parameters)
- [Output Parameters](#output-parameters)
- [Error Codes](#error-codes)
Request for API key
## API Description
| | |
| ----------- | --------------------- |
| API Name | booking/extendsession |
| API Type | Update |
| Description | This API is used to extend the validity of the current booking session (extends by 10 mins) |
## API Parameters
### HTTP Headers
| Headers | Value | Description |
| ------------------ | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|apikey|*|An active SQ API Key for the FlightBooking Package|
### Input Parameters
| Input Parameters | Data Type | Optional | Description |
| ---------------- | --------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| clientUUID | String | No | Should be unique per request. For debug purpose only. |
| sessionID | String | No | E- retail session id |
### Output Parameters
| Output Parameters | Data Type | Description |
| ----------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| status | String | “SUCCESS” / “FAILURE” |
| code | Number | 200 if status is “SUCCESS”. Refer to Section 5 for possible error codes |
| message | String | Error message if status is “FAILURE” |
| isLastTransaction | String | |
| sessionId | String | E- retail session id |
### Error Codes
| ErrorCodes | Message | Description |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| BKAGCO0020 | Missing or Invalid expected field: sessionID | |
| ErrorCodes | Message | Description |
| MISCAC0001 | Session Id not found | |
| MISCAC0003 | We are unable to process the request. Please contact CSL team | |
| MISCAC0005 | Exception occured while processing | |
| MISCAC0006 | Last Transaction is not valid | |
- Previous: Fare Conditions
- Up: Flight Booking
- Next: Create Booking